Senior First Aid to Apply First Aid now called Provide First Aid

Who would have thought a name change could cause so many issues. Well the new name for the old Senior First Aid and Apply First Aid is now Provide First Aid. It will be with us for a while so you may as well get use to it 🙂

The Provide First Aid is an accredited course in every industry of Australia and Simple Instruction of the Northern Beaches of Sydney should be your training company. We offer both public and private courses at your workplace, including childcare first aid combined with asthma and anaphylaxis.

Emergency First Aid training is a great way to bring your business/team together and make a safer work environment. We also have public courses that can be booked online and are available most weekend or Thursday nights at the Brookvale Hotel.

To make a booking please visit the webpage or email [email protected] if you would like a private course.