Narrabeen Sports High School – Apply First Aid Certificate – Year 10 Program

On Friday the 26th of November 2010 year 10 and 11 students received an accredited Apply First Aid certificate. The students completed the course as part of the the after Year 10 School Certificate program, where students were required to learn how to respond to an emergency first aid situation.

 The  Yr 10 and 11 students who participated in the course were very knowledgable and talented students who have gained a good understanding of their training. Simple Instruction (Mr Wood) conducted the Apply First Aid course and believed an enjoyable day was had by all. All passed with flying colours and were eager to get involved in all the practical components on the day.

In the future Narrabeen Sports High School hopes to train all students from years 10 to 12, making our school a safer more caring place and equipping our students with real life relevant skills that they will be able to use in the commmunity if needed. The Apply First Aid training course gives students the ability not only to save someones life, but also to build confidence and leadership qualities within the students.

By getting accredited with an Apply First Aid certificate it looks great in the students resume when looking for employment and if students are already employed it enables students to earn extra money in their casual and part-time jobs ($2 per shift in some jobs) working as the first aid attendant. 

Some photos from the day: