Dickson College – Canberra

 The great thing about having Facebook and Internet contacts is that we are able to branch out of the Northern Beaches, Sydney equipping students with the essential skills and accreditation from our Apply First Aid and  Perform CPR training courses.

On the 11/06/2010 Simple Instruction conducted an Apply First Aid Course at Dickson College, Canberra. Thanks to the PDHPE staff at Dickson College and especially Ryan Davis-Philp for organising what was an enjoyable day with some very talented and knowledgable students. The Apply First Aid training course was a component of the year 11 students Outdoor Education subject with students needing to be accredited  in first aid to participate in their outdoor adventures. All passed with flying colours and were eager to get involved in all the practical components on the day. Photos are coming soon.

To all NSW and ACT schools please click on the schools section on the website for more details for personalised training courses at your school.