Layne Beachley – Dee Why Classic.

Get down to Dee Why and support the Layne Beachley Classic. There are some fantastic womens surfers and a great atmosphere. Layne Beachley believes a men’s World Tour event should be held along the northern beaches Picture: MARTIN LANGE Manly Daily Dee Why ready to host mens ASP. 3 May 11 @ 04:02pm by Andrew Prentice  SEVEN-TIME world champion Layne […]

Manly Daily – Tackling Asthma. Action Plan

What a great article’Tackling Asthma’ in the Manly Daily on Tuesday the 22/02/2011 by Wendy Kay. As a school teacher and a First Aid trainer it was refreshing to see how we can manage Asthma whilst still participating in physical activity and keeping children healthy. I hear of so many parents withdrawing their children from sporting teams and carnivals to ‘protect them’ […]