Northern Beaches and Sydney CBD Safety – Provide First Aid HLTAID003 and Provide CPR HLTAID001 course

LAURA SULLIVAN, CENtRAL October 18, 2016 2:57pm A DEADLY snake was seen slithering along George St, Sydney sending people into a panic. Snake handler, Harley Jones from Snake’s in the City, was called to George St around 2.20pm with reports of a red-bellied black snake on the loose. Mr Jones was contacted by police and two other witnesses to remove […]

HLTAID004 Northern Beaches

(HLTAID004) What skills and knowledge will I get from this course? Performance Evidence The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be demonstrated evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks at least […]

HLTAID004 – Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting

If you are completing the TAFE Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care then this is the ideal course for you. This is conducted locally on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, however, we do come to your Child Care Centre for private courses. The HLTAID004  unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response […]

Calling an Ambulance

What is a medical emergency? Always call triple zero (000) for an ambulance in the following circumstances. If you are unsure the operators will talk you through any situation. Unconscious person – who doesn’t wake or respond when shaken. Heart attack (suspected) – pain in the chest, especially if it is crushing or like indigestion and lasts more than five […]

Snake Bites and Spider Bites – The Children’s Hospital

Great information for people on the Northern Beaches or in fact anywhere. Can you save a life? Do you have the skills? When was the last time you completed a first aid or CPR course? Book into a First Aid or CPR training course with Simple Instruction today. This article is taken from . Please support the The Children’s Hospital at Westmead […]